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She was born in 1981 in Šempeter at Nova Gorica. After the graduation on the High School of Photography and Design in Ljubljana she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana under the mentorship of prof. Metka Krašovec. In the year 2005 she earned the Bachelor degree and in year 2010 a Master degree under the mentorship of prof. Metka Krašovec and prof. Bojan Gorenec. She participated on exchange study program in the second year of the Master study in Tallinn, Estonia. In year 2010 she accomplished pedagogic and andragogoc education at the University of Philosophy in Ljubljana. She have several experiences in cultural management with adult and children since 2005. She is qualified for cooperation with disabeled person in the field of culture. She is engaged in painting, cultural management, art criticism and art illustration. She is living and working in Stari trg pri Ložu.